Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blogging within my Information Technology Classroom

A blog would be a beneficial tool to be used within my teaching environment. This Web 2.0 tool can be used to enhance my lessons, as it would allow me to post resources and content relating to the subject that I teach and also add links to other websites. Thereby allowing my students to have access to the learning resources and also interact and share their views and opinions outside of the regular classroom.  Richardson (2010) states that weblogs can be used to gather and organize internet resources, (Richardson, 2010, p.51). Therefore incorporating blogging within my teaching environment will allow my students to become discovery learners, as I could have them use the blog to conduct research so as to gain additional information relating to concepts taught within the classroom.

I am a teacher of Information Technology and I am currently teaching grades 10 and 11. Blogs are an essential web 2.0 tools to use within my classroom, according to Richardson (2010), having a space to publish course curriculum, syllabus and homework assignments makes weblogs a powerful course management tool (Richardson, 2010, p.34). Richardson also states, that weblogs expands the walls of the classroom and allows for collaboration to be more diverse and accessible. The syllabus for Information Technology, is lengthy, hence I believe using weblogs in my classroom would benefit me and my students greatly as it provides an avenue for not only collaboration for students but also for teacher to manage students’ course materials.

According to the International Society for Technology in Education ISTE (2008) one Standard for teachers that may be met by blogging, is that blogging allows the teacher to be a leader, in that the teacher seeks out opportunities for student empowerment and success, as the teacher is now seen as an advocate for equitable access for educational technology to meet the needs of diverse students. Another standard that is met by blogging is the teacher being a facilitator of learning with technology by managing the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms.
The International Society for Technology in Education ISTE (2016) Standards for students is that the student will now become a global communicator that use collaborative technologies to work with others in that they are able to use the web platforms to share their views and interact with others on a given topic virtually. The students should also become empowered learners that uses technology to seek feedback and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms ( 3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2016). Standards for students. Retrieved from from
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2008). Standards for teachers. Retrieved from from

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Hello Everyone,

I am slowly catching up in this course. However I am looking forward to learning more about the the various Web 2.0 tools and how to incorporate them within my lessons.

I am excited to work and each and everyone in this course!