Sunday, April 12, 2020

Teaching With Technology Toolbox: Differentiating by Product - EDUC6714

Technology tools that allows teacher to differentiate by content

Method 1:  Poll Everywhere -
How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:
Paz (2017) Poll Everywhere is an audience response system using mobile phones, Twitter, and the web in place of clickers (Paz, 2017).The Poll Everywhere software allows teachers to engage learners, by creating questions that allows students to use their mobile devices to respond using text or pictures. According to Deng (2019) the use of modern technologies has positive effect when learning assessment tools include student response systems like Poll Everywhere (Deng, 2019). This technology tool “encourages questions and class discussions” (Paz, 2017) and provides an alternative for those students who may not be comfortable with speaking in class and also for those learners with hearing impairment.

Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This tool can be used in my information technology to engage students in discussions on specific concepts. This tool can be useful to differentiate lesson content as this approach to differentiating lesson, allows teacher to see how well students are understanding material (Rich, 2017).


Rich, J. (2017, December 14). Polling Students to Check Understanding. Retrieved from
Paz, V. (2017). Innovative New Apps and Uses for the Accounting Classroom. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 14(1), 63–75.
Deng, L. ldeng@ewu. ed. (2019). Assess and engage: How Poll Everywhere can make learning meaningful again for millennial library users. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 31(2), 55–65.

Method 2:  Khan Academy -  
How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:
Khan Academy is a very valuable resource for students of all ages and those needing remedial education (Severance, 2015).   It is able to differentiate content as, it is a self-paced tool that provides students with videos, practice exercises and assessments on various topics.    

 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This can be used to present lesson concepts and activities to students in varied and multiple ways. This can be used in my information technology class, throughout the entire course unit as students are able to use the videos and lessons on Khan Academy to help reinforce concepts taught in class.
Severance, C. (2015). Khan Academy and Computer Science. Computer (00189162), 48(1), 14–15.

Method 3:  YouTube Videos –  
How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:
This aids in allowing learners to understand concepts being taught. Learners with varied learning diversities, for e.g. my visual, auditory, independent learners etc, can access lessons in video format at their own pace, and are able to stop, pause and replay what is presented to them. YouTube has been described as a source for public education and for enhancing discussion (Azer et. al, 2018).

Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This can be used to provide students with visual demonstration of how they can use productivity tools such Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Office etc. The use of the videos according to Azer et. al (2018) can be used to stimulate discussions and generate new insights (Azer et. al, 2018).

Azer, S. A., Bokhari, R. A., AlSaleh, G. S., Alabdulaaly, M. M., Ateeq, K. I., Guerrero, A. P. S., & Azer, S. (2018). Experience of parents of children with autism on YouTube: are there educationally useful videos? Informatics for Health & Social Care, 43(3), 219–233.

Method 4:  Canva
How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:
Creating storyboard through Canva allows students to create graphics, presentations, posters etc.  Storyboards are expressed using illustrations and simple texts (Fujino et. al, 2019). However, creating a storyboard with Canva allows student are able to work together to designing, and share their work. It allows the teacher to view and provide feedback on work done by students.
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This tool can be used in my information technology class to present concepts to students in a graphical format using storyboards so as to deepen their understanding.
Fujino, S., Hatanaka, T., Mori, N., & Matsumoto, K. (2019). Evolutionary deep learning based on deep convolutional neural network for anime storyboard recognition. Neurocomputing, 338, 393–398.

Method 5:  Google classroom

How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:  
Google classroom is integrated with social media, Google Form, Google Drive, Google Doc, Google Slides, etc (Ramadhani et. al, 2019). Therefore, through this google classroom platform, the teacher is able to differentiate content by creating lesson activities and assignments and make them easily accessible to students online. Students are also able to upload assignments and the teacher is also able communicate and provide them with feedback on their assignments.

 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This technology tool can be used throughout my information technology syllabus. I am able to allow students to complete and upload lesson activities using the technology tool.  The students’ should be able to use the skill learned from the lesson activity “to understand key principles” (Tomlinson, 2014, p.71).

Ramadhani, R. rahmiramadhani3@gmail. co., UMAM, R. egk71822@kwansei. ac. j., ABDURRAHMAN, A. abdurrahman. 1968@fkip. unila. ac. i., & SYAZALI, M. muhamadsyazali@radenintan. ac. i. (2019). The Effect of Flipped-Problem Based Learning Model Integrated with LMS-Google Classroom for Senior High School Students. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 137–158.
Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Method 6:  Quizlet –

How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:
Quizlet is one of the most widely used flashcard systems available, that also lets teachers create and share instructional videos (Dizon, 2016).  Quizlet can be used to differentiate lesson by allowing students to participate in activities and also use the platform to help them study concepts they were previously taught.
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
 This tool can be incorporated within my information technology lessons. By allowing students to use the Quizlet platform to help them reinforce concepts through flash cards.

Dizon, G. (2016). Quizlet in the EFL Classroom: Enhancing Academic Vocabulary Acquisition of Japanese University Students. Teaching English with Technology, 16(2), 40–56.

Technology tools that allows teacher to differentiate by process

Method 1:  Graphic Organizers
How method utilizes technology to differentiate process:
This method can be used to differentiate lesson process as, graphic organizers can be used to arrange information about a topic based on the patterns and relationships that exist and applying a label to identify that relationship (Cummins et. al, 2015). It allows the students to learn the concepts by visualising and grouping ideas and information so as to get a better understanding of concepts being taught
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
I am able to use this tool in my information technology class, by grouping students and allowing them to use graphic organizers to demonstrate their understanding of input devices, output and storage devices.
Cummins, C. carrice@latech. ed., Kimbell-Lopez, K. kklopez@latech. ed., & Manning, E. lmanning@latech. ed. (2015). Graphic Organizers: Understanding the Basics. California Reader, 49(1), 14–22.

Method 2:  Kahoot

How method utilizes technology to differentiate process:
Kahoot offers a free student response platform resembling a trivia game (Plump & LaRosa, 2017).  This tool can be used to differentiate lesson process as teachers are able to use it to create game-based quizzes, discussions, and surveys (Plump & LaRosa, 2017). Teachers are also able to construct questions to cater to the diverse learner needs. 
Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
I can use this game within my lessons when teaching students about computer hardware, as a formative assessment. The questions can be tiered so that students at different levels are able to participate.
Plump, C. M., & LaRosa, J. (2017). Using Kahoot! In the Classroom to Create Engagement and Active Learning: A Game-Based Technology Solution for eLearning Novices. Management Teaching Review, 2(2), 151–158.

Method 3:  BrainPOP 
How method utilizes technology to differentiate process:
BrainPOP contains short movies on various subject areas followed by a quiz. This is an ideal tool for students who lack strong auditory skills and may be struggling with language acquisition (Joyce Public School, 2014).  Therefore this technology tool can be used to different lesson process by allowing students to “make sense of an idea in a preferred way of learning (Using Technology to Differentiate by Process, 2007) as they are able to watch videos and participate in activities.

 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This tool can be used in my information technology class to allow students to watch movie on the topic being taught and complete the quiz questions, so that they can gain knowledge to understand the concept being taught.
Joyce Public School (2014). Improving Academic Success With BrainPOP Among a Multi-Lingual Student Population in Canada [PDF File]. Retrieved from
CHAPTER 6: Using Technology to Differentiate by Process. (2007). In Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 Classrooms (p. 111).

Method 4:  Choice boards / Tic-tac-toe board
How method utilizes technology to differentiate process:
Choice boards are well-suited to dealing with readiness and interest differences among students (Tomlinson, 2014). Choice boards such as the Tic-tac-toe, can be used to allow students to show what they are learning through variety of activities that they are able to choose from.
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
I am able to use this method in my lesson, to create specific task for students to choose and show what they know, understand and are able to do during the lesson.
Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all learners (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Method 5:  Podcast
How method utilizes technology to differentiate process:
 This method can be used to differentiate by allowing students to listen to lesson topic through podcasts. Hence it allows students to readily communicate on topic because they enrich their ideas from listening podcast and connect the topic with their real-life situation (Ramli & Kurniawan, 2018).
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
 This can be incorporated in my lesson, by providing students with a podcasts on a hardware components of the computer and their purpose for them to listen to and make notes.

Ramli, A. M., & Kurniawan, E. H. (2018). The Use of Podcast to Improve Students Listening and Speaking Skills for EFL Learners. Proceedings of the International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICONELT 2017). doi: 10.2991/iconelt-17.2018.42

Technology tools that allows teacher to differentiate by product
Method 1:  Prezi -
How method utilizes technology to differentiate product:
Prezi allows students to create presentations, using images, videos etc, it is an “effective learning tool for enhancing their learning process” (Chou et. al, 2015). In differentiating lesson by product Students are able to use the tool to show their learning in a variety of ways.

 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
To incorporate this tool in my lesson, I would have students work on group activities to use Prezi to create a presentation on hardware components found inside of the system.
Chou, Pao-Nan & Chang, Chi-Cheng & Lu, Pei-Fen. (2015). Prezi versus PowerPoint: The effects of varied digital presentation tools on students’ learning performance. Computers & Education. 91. 10.1016/j.compedu.2015.10.020.

Method 2:  Powtoon

How method utilizes technology to differentiate product:
PowToon allows students to create creative presentations. Therefore, this technology can be used to differentiate lesson process by giving students a variety of ways to express their undertstanding (Semaan et. al, 2018). It also allows teachers to craft their own presentations that meet their students’ needs (Semaan et. al, 2018).
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
I am able to use this tool in my learning environment to allow students to create presentation and graphics, cartoons, animated images and to create animated videos
Semaan, Charbel & Ismail, Nour. (2018). The effect of using powtoon on learning english as a foreign language. International Journal of Current Research. 10. 69262-69265.

Method 3:  Blogs

How method utilizes technology to differentiate product:
Blogs can be used to engage learners and differentiate lesson by allowing students to display and express their learning. In differentiating by product, blogs allows students to build their own journals and present knowledge learned or information collected (Figg, 2009).

 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
I can use this tool in my lesson, by allowing students to share their learning by producing a collection of computer hardware and software tools that they can use in their learning. Hence to enhance their technological skills and deepen their knowledge of the tools.

Figg, Candace & Jaipal - Jamani, Kamini. (2009). Engaging 21st Century Learners and Differentiating Instruction with Technology. Teaching and Learning. 5. 10.26522/tl.v5i1.297.

Method 4:  Voicethread

How method utilizes technology to differentiate content:  
VoiceThread allows students to present and share using videos, recordings etc. According to Mango (2017) it provides voice to learners by enabling them to participate in asynchronous online forums using audio, video, and text (Mango, 2017).
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:  
 This tool can be used in my classroom to give my diverse learners the opportunity to present their understanding of the uses of technology in society through audio, video and text.
Mango, Oraib. (2017). The Effects of using VoiceThread on Students’ Listening Comprehension and Attitudes Toward using VoiceThread. The Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages. 21. 37-57.

Method 5:  Glogster

How method utilizes technology to differentiate product:
Glogster can be used to enhance learning by allowing students to creatively produce work using graphics, audio and text.  According to Awada & Faour (2018) Glogster tool encourages students to collect information and to present their findings (Awada & Faour 2018).
 Units of study where this method could be incorporated:
This tool can be used in my lesson to allow students to create their own interactive poster to illustrate their learning on concepts such as computer crimes and computer viruses.
Awada, G. M., & Faour, K. H. (2018). Effect of Glogster and Cooperative Learning Differentiated Instruction on Teachers’ Perceptions. Teaching English with Technology, 18(2), 93–114.